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AgriGate Magazine  Editorial Board Members 


Founder & Managing Director:

 Mrs. V. Priya

 Educationalist & Farming



 Dr. R. Shiv Ramakrishnan, Ph.D.(IARI),


Seed Technology Research Centre,
Jawaharlal Nehr
u Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh


International Advisor:

​Prof. Chittaranjan Kole

 Former Vice-Chancellor, BC Agricultural University, West Bengal, India

Director of Research, Institute of Nutraceutical Research, Clemson University, USA

Visiting Professor, Pennsylvania State University & Clemson University, USA

President, Intl. Climate Resilient Crop Genomics Consortium

President, Genome India International 


Executive Editors: 

1. Dr. Sivalingam Elayabalan, Ph.D.,

Visiting Scientist, University of Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Visiting Scientist, STJU, China

Collaborative Researcher,

International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT),

CGIAR, Colombia

2. Dr. Muthusamy Ramakrishnan Ph.D, PDF


Nanjing Forestry University,

159 Longpan Rd,Xuanwu, Nanjing,

Jiangsu, China

3. Mr. Srinath Balasubramanian

Masters in Crop Protection

The University of Queensland,

St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia


Editorial Advisor: 

Dr. G. Selvakumar

Assistant Professor (PBG)

SRM University


Editorial Manager: 

Dr. R. Vinoth, Ph.D., FBSS



Senior Editors:

Dr. N. Venkatesa Palanichamy

Dean (Agriculture)
Agricultural College and Research Institute
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
Tamil Nadu



1. Dr. M. L. Dotaniya

Senior Scientist (SS & AC), ICAR-DRMR,Bharatpur, Rajasthan

2.Dr. S.Easwaran

Associate Professor (Horticulture), TNAU

3. Dr. L. Allwin

Associate Professor (Agricultural Entomology), TNAU

4. Dr. A. Thanga Hemavathy

Associate Professor (PBG), TNAU

5. Dr. S. Rathika

Associate Professor (Agronomy), TNAU

6. Dr. S. Srividhya

Assistant Professor (Horticulture), TNAU

7. Dr. M. Dhandapani

Associate Professor (PBG), TNAU, TRRI

8. Dr. M. Vengateswari

SMS(Agricultural  Meteorology), TNAU

9. Dr. G. Sathish

Assistant Professor (Horticulture), TNAU

10.Dr. P. Preetha

Teaching Assistant (FPE), TNAU

11.Dr. C. Sellaperumal

Scientist (Nematology), ICAR-IISR, Calicut, Kerala

12.Dr. S. Kavitha

Associate Professor (SS&T) , TNAU

13. Dr. R. Pravallika sree

Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology), CVRGU, ODISHA

14. Dr. P. Reddy Priya

Assistant Professor (Agril.Microbiology), PJTSAU, Telangana

15. Dr.K. Kalpana

Associate Professor (Plant Pathology), TNAU

16. Dr. M. Paramasivan

Associate Professor (SS&AC), TNAU

17. Dr. N. Rajinimala

Associate Professor (Plant Pathology), TNAU

18. Dr. V. Ramakrishnan

Assistant Professor (Veterinary Pharmacology), TANUVAS

19. Dr. T. Elenchezhian 

Assistant Professor (Agrl. Economics), TNAU

20. Dr. S. Murali

Scientist-C, Central Silk Board, A.P.

21. Dr. S. Subash

Senior Scientist ,ICAR-NDRI, SRS, Bangalore 

22. Dr. Andukuri Raj Shravanthi

Assistant Professor (ABM), Dr.RPCAU, Bihar 

23. Dr. S.Meera

Assistant Professor (Law), Central University of Kerala

24. Dr. K. Elanchezhyan

Associate Professor (Agrl. Entomology), TNAU

Associate Editors: 

1. Dr. Sivaranjani C

 SRF (Soil Science), TNAU 

2. Mr. Alimudeen S

PG Sholar, KVASU


Proof Readers:
1. Ms. Janani R, Dalhousie University
2. Ms. Kirthika J, TNAU
3. Mr. Nagarajan K, TNAU
4. Ms. Suvetha T S, AAU


1. Dr. Kalpana R , TNAU
2. Dr. Kiruthika N, TNAU
3. Dr. Raghavendran V B, TANUVAS
4. Dr. Vinoth R, TNAU


​Media Managers: 
1. Mr. Karthikeyan R C


2. Mr. Kapilraj V


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