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Authors must read before article submission

  1. Articles would be published in every monthly issue.

  2. Monthly issue would be published on 2nd week of every month.

  3. In case of urgency, authors would be given an advance copy of their article within 1- 7 working days.

  4. To maintain the quality of our magazine we charge you only after accepting your article.

  5. All the annual membership authors would be assigned a membership certificate and unique membership id. after payment of membership fees.

  6. Publication fees for annual  members are 100% free. However if coauthors are not annual/life member a nominal charge is kept. Kindly visit publication fees tab for details. A very nominal publication fees have been fixed for non member authors.  

  7. The articles should be in prescribed word format (.doc/.docx).

  8. Articles which are sent to us without proper format would be rejected (FORMAT)

  9. Every month have a particular date which is given at the bottom of the home page. After the due date, no articles can be accepted as the page composer/designer need sufficient time to release an issue.

  10. No article should be submitted in pdf form.

  11. After successful submission a unique code will be displayed and you will also receive an email containing this code.

  12. Please carefully note down the code for future reference.

  13. Once your article has been accepted you will be notified through email.

  14. Then you need to pay requisite amount by entering your unique id in the mentioned payment methods in publication fee page.

  15. Only after successful payment your article shall be published

Points to be considered before submission of article

  1. Article must be free of plagiarism

  2. Author himself/herself is responsible for plagiarism

  3. Article must be within magazine article page limit (within 3-4 pages)

  4. Article must be in proper format of our magazine

  5. Article has not been sent for publication or published else where

  6. Article should not be duplicate and is written by author himself/herself

  7. Author agrees to guidelines and terms, conditions of our magazine

  8. Article cannot be corrected once submitted. So authors are requested to be careful and sure before submitting.

Authors shall submit their article at our official mail id after reading the above guidelines.

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