Publication Fee
Annual Membership (6 Free Articles) w.e.f. 24.4.2024
Annual Membership -
Indians - 750 INR
SAARC Countries - 20 $
Other Countries 25 $
An annual member can publish 6 articles per year
100 INR extra for each Co-Author (If Non-Member)
Life Membership
Indians - 2500 INR
SAARC Countries - 75 $
Other Countries - 100 $
One Article Publication (Non-Member)
250 INR for publishing one article (Single Author).
Account / Payment Details
Account Holder’s Name: Priya P
Account Number: 33143490735
Bank Name: State Bank of India
IFSC: SBIN0007464
Payment can be done after the author receives "Article Acceptance Mail" from the editorial team.
After paying the fee, the author can send the proof for payment along with final accepted copy of the article and contact number to Limit the articles to 7-8 pages
If more than 8 pages , publication fee- Rs.50/each page
Benefits of Life Membership
All members will get Lifetime Membership Certificate
Listing of member name at AgriGate Membership website which adds global exposure
Periodical promotions will be there as region wise/ Subject wise Editorial Board Member
Lifetime members can get opportunity to publish 8 articles/year- Maximum 2 articles/month
AgriGate Monthly e- Magazine will be sent to all members
Preference will be given to members for AgriGate Yearly Awards
AgriGate yearly magazine containing outstanding research works of that year will be issued by the end of April month (Soft copy)